1. Motifs:- Elements of the Nature: flowers, leaves, landscapes,
- Animals - lions, rabbits, birds, mysterious animals, reptiles.
- Ritual items (Menorah - the seven branches symbolize the days of creation, Hanukkah),
- The pomegranate - symbolizes fruitfulness and knowledge, represents righteousness, and the 613 commandments (mitzvot) of the Torah. It is a motif of fertility and abundance.
- Tree of Life / Etz Chaim - represents spiritual growth and connection to the divine,
- Circular and Spiral Motifs: the eternal nature of God and the cyclical nature of Jewish time (holidays, life cycles). Represents harmony and divine order.
- Eye: represents God's omniscience and ever-watchful presence. The Eye expresses divine supervision and guidance. The concept of the "evil eye" (ayin hara) refers to negative energy or harm caused by envy or ill will.
2. Color combinations: brown & green & rose, red & yellow, white & blue (reflecting purity, divinity, and the Israeli flag), yellow & black, off-white & sky blue, gold & sky blue, violet & gold, brown & gold, red & gold, sky blue & gold, black & gold, red & sky blue. Gold and silver represent holiness and spiritual richness.